About Plymouth Church Milwaukee
At Plymouth Church in Milwaukee, you will find a traditional service with progressive values.
Located at the corner of E. Hampshire and N. Hackett on the east side of Milwaukee, Plymouth Church traces its roots back to 1841. We joined with other progressive congregations to form the United Church of Christ.
We are a people of prayer, turning to God for strength, guidance, challenge, and comfort. We practice a radical welcome, and seek to follow Jesus, to do the work of love, reconciliation, and service, which he calls us to do. We speak to the great questions and challenges of justice and mercy in our personal lives and in our society. We care for the wounded, the hurting, and for those experiencing crisis in their lives.
We seek an informed faith and welcome questions. We acknowledge what we don't know, even as we sincerely affirm the truth we do know. We take the Bible seriously, but not literally. Preaching at Plymouth is informed Bible preaching.
We are a playful people who believe in living joyfully. We love to sing, to create, and to be moved by the Spirit. We enjoy lively worship, dance, and music.
We respect, share, and work with other churches, as well as people of other faiths. Our community is comprised of people from all walks of life, economic conditions, and backgrounds, all ages, and all races and cultures. We warmly welcome gay and lesbian persons, their families and friends.
We love this city and what it represents in vitality and diversity. Members of our church come to Plymouth from throughout the city and surrounding areas to join in our diverse and loving family.
We are an Open & Affirming congregation who embrace the LGBTQIA+ community as we strive to be an inclusive church sharing the life and teachings of Jesus as a healing manifestation of God’s love and presence in the world.
As a Just Peace church and Immigrant Welcoming congregation, with an Intentionally Accessible building, we affirm diversity in all of its forms, striving to recognize the ways that we have contributed to human injustices or oppression based on race, sexual orientation, ableness or religious beliefs, and seeking ways to challenge these practices toward a more just community of faith.
Toward a spirit of truth and reconciliation, we acknowledge that Plymouth United Church of Christ has been on land whose indigenous caretakers are the Menominee, Potawatomi and Ho-Chunk people.