On-Going Events
Weekly Events
Wednesday Bible Study meets at Plymouth @ noon.
Jericho Walk meets on Thursday morning @ 9:00 AM - outside ICE building - 310 E. Knapp. This event is open to the public, just stop by any Thursday and join the walk. COVID UPDATE: masks required.
Thursday Thoughts meets on Zoom at 6:30 PM for a sermon talk-back and a look ahead to the next week's scriptures.
Join using this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82321652503?pwd=OGlrRERrbVVZZ2ljQTNCcjcwNENLdz09 or for audio only, from your phone dial 312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID (823 2165 2503) and passcode (853602) when prompted.
Monthly Events
All groups meet at Plymouth Church, unless otherwise noted.
Groups are described in the main menu under Community > Plymouth Groups.
Plymouth Fellowship Groups
1st Tuesday - Women's Book Group: meeting at 1:30 PM.
3rd Sunday - Sarah Circle meets (Fall-Spring) at 7:00 PM.
4th Tuesday - Faith Circle meets at 7:00 PM.
Plymouth Service & Advocacy Groups
1st Wednesday - Piecemakers Quilting Group meets at 10:00 AM.
2nd Monday - St. Ben's provide meal to St. Ben's.
2nd Tuesday - Cathedral Center provide & serve meal at 6:30 PM at Cathedral Center.
3rd Tuesday - Loops of Love meets at 1:30 PM.
3rd Sunday - Plymouth Justice Network (PJN) meets at 10:45 AM.
Plymouth Board Meetings - COVID UPDATE: Many boards are meeting via Zoom.
1st Tuesday - Deacons meets at 7:00 PM.
1st Tuesday - Board of Outreach and Mission (BOOM) meets at 6:30 PM.
2nd Monday - Stewards meets at 7:00 PM.
3rd Sunday - Christian Education (CE) meets at 11:00 AM.
3rd Tuesday - Council meets at 7:00 PM.
Other Events
Quarterly on Sunday - Guest House provide & serve meal at 5:00 PM at Guest House.
Occasional Saturdays - Game Night - Watch calendar for dates.