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Pastor's Greeting
& Announcements
& Announcements
In our weekly PASTOR'S GREETING and Church Announcements, you'll get:
An inspiring personal message from Pastor Teresa
An encouraging prayer to guide you this week, connected to our weekly worship theme
Information on upcoming events at Plymouth Church and in our community
Prayer concerns, birthdays, care cards, and much more!
Worship, Arts, & Volunteer E-News
In The WEEKLY WAVE, you'll get a refreshing glimpse of the happenings at Plymouth that you can be part of:
The upcoming week's worship bulletin, theme, scriptures, and hymns!
Cultural and artistic events coming up in our beautiful building, including concerts and theater
Opportunities to volunteer, helping others at Plymouth Church and people in need across our city
Calls to Action
Calls to Action
In our JUSTICE Calls to Action, you'll receive occasional messages on ways you can participate in:
Dismantling systemic racism in Milwaukee communities
Connecting faith and justice
Engaging in faith-based organizing
These calls to action are identified by members of the Plymouth Justice Network, a congregational organizing committee of our church.